New All Pharma is a leading supplier of many pharmaceutical brands all over Lebanon...      We are pleased to announce that NALP has attained the GSDP (Good Storage and Distribution of Pharmaceutical Products) Certificate awarded by MOPH   

Customer Service

Dear valued Customer;

Thank you for choosing New Allpharma, it is a pleasure to serve you and receive your valuable opinion for the ultimate and at your own desire and convenience.

To provide you better services and quality of products, we hereby encourage you to advise us of your opinion towards the below categories and classify us at your convenient.

Wish you prosperity and success

Kindly choose the appropriate box:

1. The quality of our products/brands
Poor     Fair     V. Good     Excellent

2. Interacting/Communication with Sales Reps.
Poor     Fair     V. Good     Excellent

3. Speed to deliver services
Poor     Fair     V. Good     Excellent

4. Product's quality upon delivery
Poor     Fair     V. Good     Excellent

5. Errors in invoicing/pricing
No     Yes

Any other comments/observations/complaints or errors you would like to add?

6. How would you evaluate us in general?
Poor     Fair     V. Good     Excellent

Customer Service Tel #:+961 1 843217, Ext 111
E mail:

Thank you once again for your valuable time.